Urinary Tract Infection is commonly thought of as a disease affecting the elderly. But a recent study found no age difference in this disease. Children under 5 years of age are also affected. The renal system has many parts. Urinary tract infection is the risk of infection in any part like kidneys, bladder, urethra, urinary tract. 

Urinary tract infection is caused by not drinking enough water and not maintaining genital hygiene. Abbreviated as UTI, this problem can be seen in the body without any visible symptoms. Symptoms include unexplained fever or chills, irritability, vomiting and restlessness. Symptoms such as pain while urinating or abdominal pain. If any of these symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. 

If children have these symptoms, consult a pediatrician first. If a UTI is confirmed, the pediatrician will recommend a urine test. Before the child’s urine sample is tested, an antibiotic may be given if the child tests negative for a urinary tract infection. Due to this, the scarring on the kidneys can last for several days. Kidney related diseases require treatment. 

Mainly girls can suffer from urinary tract infection without any contraindications in the urinary system. But if the infection is present in children under 5 years of age, Ultrasound can examine the urinary tract. In this way, when the abdomen is also examined, it can also be known if the baby has any congenital abnormalities in the urinary tract. 

Based on the results of an ultrasound examination of some children, DMSA is used to evaluate their urinary tract. Or a variety of tests may be needed, including a micturating cystourethrogram test. Through such tests, retrograde flow of urine, scarring of the kidneys etc. will be confirmed. Girls with this condition require direct medical supervision for a year or two. It can also detect if the baby has any abnormality in the urinary tract at birth. 

Based on the results of an ultrasound examination of some children, DMSA is used to evaluate their urinary tract. Or a variety of tests may be needed, including a micturating cystourethrogram test. Through such tests, retrograde flow of urine, scarring of the kidneys etc. will be confirmed. Girls with this condition require direct medical supervision for a year or two. 

It can also detect if the baby has any abnormality in the urinary tract at birth. Based on the results of an ultrasound examination of some children, DMSA is used to evaluate their urinary tract. Or a variety of tests may be needed, including a micturating cystourethrogram test. Through such tests, retrograde flow of urine, scarring of the kidneys etc. will be confirmed. Girls with this condition require direct medical supervision for a year or two. Scarring in kidneys etc. will be confirmed. Girls with this condition require direct medical supervision for a year or two. Scarring in kidneys etc. will be confirmed. Girls with this condition require direct medical supervision for a year or two.

A change in diet can help! Treatments are available to completely cure children suffering from urinary tract infections. Among them, anti-biotic plays an important role. Diet also plays an important role in controlling UTI incidence. In this regard, in a study conducted in Taiwan, more than nine thousand people were involved. The study was conducted based on their health, diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption. At the end of the nine-year study, 16% of the participants were free from urinary tract infections due to a vegetarian diet.

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