Attention glasses wearers…
October 8, 2023Digestive drink
October 12, 2023Glaucoma is a silent and dreadful disease… It is said in the medical world that eye pressure disease is a slow but serious disease. Like other diseases of the eye, it does not directly cause any symptoms. In most patients, eye pressure is detected during a routine examination. Many people already have significant vision loss when they find out…
Why? Why did the patient not discover his problem till then?The reason for this is very simple. Some other symptoms in the body can also be compared to this. Take weight loss for example. If you lose 4 or 5 kg in a week, you will know immediately. Isn’t it hard to find a little weight loss? Likewise, if the bleeding is profuse due to an injury, menstruation, or other disturbances, the patient will treat it as an urgent problem and come for treatment immediately.
But ulcers and worms in the stomach cause a small amount of blood to flow out every day; If anemia develops months later, the patient will notice it too late. Similarly, in eye pressure disease, the loss of vision is very slow; Detection is delayed. As the average blood pressure is 120/80mmHg, Normal intraocular tension is between 14 and 18.
Sometimes as much as 21 mm Hg. Two cycles run continuously inside the eye to maintain this equilibrium. One is the glands in the ciliary process that secrete the aqueous aqueous fluid in the eye. The second is a system of blood vessels and small particles that drain this fluid at regular intervals. Any imbalance between these two causes eye pressure.
First let’s take an aqueous liquid. Sometimes this fluid may be secreted more than usual. Congestion of blood vessels and particle pathways to drain excess fluid. Eye pressure increases in this environment. This type is known as open angle glaucoma. Open Angle Glaucoma Treatments for glaucoma often reduce fluid secretion. In most cases, these drugs are given as drops.
Sometimes tablets may also be needed. Mild hypertension can be brought under control with drops. Surgery is required for conditions uncontrollable by medication. The next important type of glaucoma is caused by obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor from the eye. This type is called angle closure glaucoma.
In some people over the age of 35 to 40, the passageway for the aqueous humor naturally narrows. Eye pressure also increases in this condition due to a ‘traffic jam’ at the exit point even though the production of fluid is steady; Laser treatment alone is sufficient for early-stage angle-closure glaucoma. After that, it is enough to test from time to time. In severe cases, this type of glaucoma also requires surgery.
The normal flow of aqueous fluid can suddenly become blocked one day. Then suddenly high eye pressure causes pain in the eye, watery eyes and visual impairment. This is called ‘Angle Closer Attack’. Immediately lower the eye pressure with the help of drugs and laser treatment. Frequent occurrence of such events can lead to irreparable damage to the eyes.
This is called ‘Angle Closer Attack’. Immediately lower the eye pressure with the help of drugs and laser treatment. Frequent occurrence of such events can lead to irreparable damage to the eyes. This is called ‘Angle Closer Attack’. Immediately lower the eye pressure with the help of drugs and laser treatment. Frequent occurrence of such events can lead to irreparable damage to the eyes.
Well, how does high eye pressure cause vision loss?!If the pressure increases little by little, the cells called ganglion cells in the retina begin to die. Together these cells form the optic nerve. Therefore, the optic nerve also wears out. First, because the peripheral parts of this nerve are affected, only the central vision is clear in the visual circle. Lateral vision is reduced.
As this change happens very slowly, very few people will feel it themselves. For many people, it can only be detected during a routine examination. The comforting thing about eye pressure treatment is that if it is detected early enough, vision can be saved to some extent without further damage. Both the above types are mostly genetic.
Apart from these, there is a possibility of eye pressure disease due to other problems. Tumors in the eye can cause high eye pressure. Certain types of bacterial infections and diabetes can also cause eye strain. Angle recession glaucoma can occur years later due to an eye injury several days ago. We have repeatedly emphasized in this series that regular eye examination is necessary at regular intervals. Such an examination is more important for glaucoma than for any other problem.
All people above the age of 35 years need a mandatory eye exam once a year. If anyone in the family has eye pressure disease, his siblings, son, daughter etc. blood relatives should be tested once in six months. While some people regularly buy glasses from glass shops; They will only do an ‘Automated Refractometer’ test or just check the eye pressure with a tonometer and go away satisfied. Don’t get tested by a doctor. There is a category called normal tension glaucoma.
All the effects of eye pressure disease are found in this problem. But, the eye pressure is low (Normal or low tension glaucoma) is at the right level. Therefore, other aspects of ocular hypertension can only be confirmed by testing. There is a category called normal tension glaucoma. All the effects of eye pressure disease are found in this problem.
But, the eye pressure is low (Normal or low tension glaucoma) is at the right level. Therefore, other aspects of ocular hypertension can only be confirmed by testing. There is a category called normal tension glaucoma. All the effects of eye pressure disease are found in this problem. But, the eye pressure is low (Normal or low tension glaucoma) is at the right level. Therefore, other aspects of ocular hypertension can only be confirmed by testing.
(Vision to be continued) Tests done to decide if there is eye pressure disease and at what stage it is… * Eye pressure measurement- Tonometry * Measurement of the particle path of the cornea – Gonioscopy* Visual field calculation- Automated perimetry* Measurement of the weight of the iris- Pachymetry* Ophthalmic nerve examination – Ophthalmoscopy, Optic disc imaging* Retinal system examination- Optical coherence tomography. It is very important to do all these examinations properly as per the need and to save and protect them in the records.