Lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer worldwide. According to the statistics taken 10 years ago, 18 crore people in the world got lung cancer and 13 crore of them died. It has been reported that 12 lakh people were diagnosed with this cancer in India in 2012 and this number is increasing every year. Lung cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in India. Like other cancers, lung cancer originates from its basal cells. When these cells are continuously stimulated by cancer-causing factors, they deviate from their normal growth patterns and go into abnormal, uncontrolled growth stages. As a result, those cells become cancer cells. The tumors they form grow into cancer. These are called primary lung cancer.

what is the reason?According to the World Health Organization, the first and main cause of lung cancer is the habit of smoking beedi, cigarette, cigar and gutka, also known as the sixth finger of men. It has been confirmed that 90% of smokers develop this cancer. And if family members and friends who are close to the smoker also inhale the smoke, their chances of getting lung cancer also increases. 3 out of 100 people get lung cancer this way. People who are more likely to breathe polluted air such as vehicle smoke, industrial smoke, charcoal smoke, and construction smoke are also more likely to develop lung cancer. The reason is that the air we breathe contains 2.5 particulate matter (PM 2. 5) In excess it is equivalent to smoking one cigarette daily. Apart from this, people working in industries like asbestos, arsenic, nickel, chromium, uranium, tar, radon and iron mining are at risk of lung cancer. Heavy drinkers are also at risk. This disease is also hereditary. People under 40 get lung cancer this way.

Diet and lung cancerCertain foods have also been found to cause lung cancer. In particular, the incidence of this disease increases in people who regularly eat food that is low in vitamin A called beta-carotene. People who eat too much animal meat and dairy products like cheese and butter are also prone to lung cancer. At the same time, it has been confirmed that those who include carrots, apples, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, bananas and green vegetables in their diet prevent lung cancer. Beta-carotene in carrots, lycopene in tomatoes, flavonoids in apples, and isothiocyanates in green vegetables have cancer cell-killing properties. 

What are the symptoms?There are two types of lung cancer symptoms. One is caused by primary lung cancer. Second, secondary lung cancer occurs when cancer cells from other parts of the body come to the lungs and cause lung cancer. Chronic cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, blood in sputum, loss of appetite, weight loss, and constant fatigue may also be normal symptoms; It can also be an early symptom of lung cancer. Lung cancer can be ‘caught’ early if medical tests are done without neglecting the normal. 

What are the effects?If this disease is not treated early, it can spread to other parts of the body. It mainly affects the esophagus and the respiratory tract. These cells spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph. This is how it spreads to the brain, spinal cord, liver, bone, etc. Then symptoms appear according to the organ to which the cancer has spread. For example, voice changes occur when the disease compresses the laryngeal nerves. When the esophagus is compressed, it becomes difficult to swallow food. If it has spread to the brain, severe headaches are persistent; Vomiting and convulsions occur. If it spreads to the bone, problems like arthritis, back pain, hip pain will start. Swollen lymph nodes near the organ where the cancer has spread ; It hurts. 

What are the tests?Chest X-ray, CT Scans can detect lung cancer. For some, an MRI A scan or bed scan may be required. Both of these tests can also show the stage of lung cancer; These tests can also tell if the treatment for lung cancer is working or not. A bone scan can check if lung cancer has spread to the bones. A bronchoscopy may reveal the presence of cancerous cells in the mucus. Certain blood tests can also help predict lung cancer. Some people are diagnosed with this cancer incidentally during a ‘master health check up’. 

Tissue examinationBiopsy is important for lung cancer. Ultrasound scan or CT With the help of a scan, a small piece of tissue is removed from the cancerous organ and examined. In this, the location, type and stage of the cancer will be known. In particular, the type of disease can be known very precisely in a special test called Immunohistochemistry. Now comes ‘Liquid biopsy’. It helps in predicting the disease without scratching the body part. There are two types of lung cancer: small cell type (SCLC) and non-small cell type (NSCLC). Non-small cell subtypes include adeno type and squamous type. After ascertaining the type and stage of cancer the affected patient has, the treatment will be chosen. 

What treatments are available?A team of experts including a cardiologist, oncologist and radiologist examines the patient and indicates the stage of the disease. Accordingly they choose the treatment he needs. If the disease is stage I or stage II and the patient is amenable to surgery, surgery is done. This is followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If the patient is not fit enough for surgery, drug therapy and radiation therapy are given. If the disease is in stage III, drug therapy and radiation therapy are given and surgery is done after shrinking the tumor. Even then, if the patient’s body is not ready for surgery, only drug therapy and radiation therapy are given. Although the disease has reached stage four, surgery is avoided and drug therapy and radiation therapy are used. In the final stage of the disease, when no other medicine is effective, the patient should be in palliative care. In this, appropriate treatment will be provided for problems such as pain, vomiting, and inability to eat food that are bothering the patient. Currently, ‘Immunotherapy’ and ‘Targeted treatment’ and ‘Cyber ​​Knife’ and ‘True Beam’ treatments are prominent in radiation therapy. These include ulcers, nausea, It reduces many side effects like vomiting, indigestion, hair loss and shortens the duration of treatment. Next, follow-up is very important in cancer treatment. Controlling and curing the disease and preventing its recurrence is only possible if medical tests and physical examinations are done at regular intervals as per the advice of the doctor.

How to prevent? Quitting smoking at all costs is the single most important way to prevent lung cancer. A diet rich in vegetables should be followed without much meat. People who are likely to develop occupational lung cancer should wear occupational protective equipment. 

Lung Cancer Screening! People with a history of cancer, smokers, and people in occupations that are prone to lung cancer should get a low-dose CT scan once a year. A scan (Low dose CT scan) can detect the disease at an early stage when the symptoms are unknown. The comforting news is that patients diagnosed with lung cancer have an 80% chance of being completely cured. (let’s create)

Yuvraj Singh ‘exploded’ cancer!You will never forget Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh. Yuvraj Singh was instrumental in India’s 2011 World Cup winning team. He scored 362 runs in that series alone; He took 15 wickets. He also won the Man of the Series award. Once he vomited blood. Doctors diagnosed him with mediastinal cancer and warned him. However, due to his passion for the game, he ignored the warning and went on to play against the West Indies. He does not smoke or drink alcohol. So he believed that there was no chance of him getting cancer. However, it was later discovered that he was genetically predisposed to cancer. Yuvraj Singh has become an example that it is wrong to ignore the advice of doctors and think that he will not get this kind of disease. He returned from treatment in the US for cancer that had spread to him. In an interview, he said, ‘It came as a shock to find out I had cancer after the height of the World Cup victory. It took all my joy. It was the darkest part of my life. However, I faced it with fortitude. I got rid of cancer’ he said. After recovering from cancer, Yuvraj Singh played cricket again. He founded You We Can, an NGO to help cancer patients. It was the second innings of his career! He returned from treatment in the US for cancer that had spread to him. In an interview, he said, ‘It came as a shock to find out I had cancer after the height of the World Cup victory. It took all my joy. It was the darkest part of my life. However, I faced it with fortitude. I got rid of cancer’ he said. After recovering from cancer, Yuvraj Singh played cricket again. He founded You We Can, an NGO to help cancer patients. It was the second innings of his career! He returned from treatment in the US for cancer that had spread to him. In an interview, he said, ‘It came as a shock to find out I had cancer after the height of the World Cup victory. It took all my joy. It was the darkest part of my life. However, I faced it with fortitude. I got rid of cancer’ he said. After recovering from cancer, Yuvraj Singh played cricket again. He founded You We Can, an NGO to help cancer patients. It was the second innings of his career! I got rid of cancer’ he said. After recovering from cancer, Yuvraj Singh played cricket again. He founded You We Can, an NGO to help cancer patients. It was the second innings of his career! I got rid of cancer’ he said. After recovering from cancer, Yuvraj Singh played cricket again. He founded You We Can, an NGO to help cancer patients. It was the second innings of his career!

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