Agni Nakshatra has been burning hot since its inception. In many districts including Chennai, the sun is beating every day. A hot wind blows. Some people seek cool places like Ooty and Kodaikanal to escape the scorching summer heat. Many are paralyzed at home.

Holidays are given to schools and colleges to protect children from the summer heat. It is advised to drink water buttermilk, padanir, nungu, young water, watermelon, lemon juice and fruit juice to replace the salt nutrients that leave the body through sweat caused by heat.

Central and state health departments are issuing instructions to avoid summer diseases and keep people safe from heat stroke. In that way, some simple steps have been announced to avoid the effects of the sun.

It is necessary to take precautionary measures to protect yourself from the effects of heat waves, especially since the amount of scorching sun is expected to be high this year and the impact of the sun is predicted to be severe. If you are going to be out in the sun for a long time, wear heat resistant clothing. Cotton clothes are especially good.

Avoid wearing dark colored and tight clothing. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Avoid drinking alcohol completely. Drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration. This can lead to heat stroke. Seek medical help Do not engage in strenuous physical activity in an environment where exposure to the sun is high. Do not overuse electrical appliances.

They also generate heat and increase the temperature of the house. Do not ignore the symptoms like dizziness, nausea, body fatigue, body weakness during hot season. They can be warning signs of heat stroke. Seek medical attention if needed. Don’t forget to drink enough water. Otherwise, you may get dehydrated. Don’t spend too much time on concrete-floored surfaces like terraces. They reflect more of the sun’s rays. Heats up your body instantly.

Do not keep the windows of the house closed during the day. Because it increases the heat and makes the room even hotter. Too much sunlight Swimming in water bodies during hot season is soothing to the body. However, make sure it is a safe water source. Do not touch metal objects that are exposed to heat. They can overheat and cause burns.

Don’t forget to wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face and eyes from the sun. Do not eat foods that are high in fat and difficult to digest. Because these foods make you feel sluggish. It also increases body temperature. Do not expose your skin to sunlight for long periods of time.

It has been suggested to increase the risk of skin cancer. Some were asked about how the public coped with the scorching summer heat. Their response is as follows:- Work from home Nirmal-Priya, an IT company employee from Kosappettai, says, ‘There is no change in food habits during summer.

But we have started using less solid food and more liquid food. Similarly, we have been buying and using water that is sold on the side of the road. Apart from this, instead of buying unnecessary things for children, we buy watermelon and kirni fruits which are suitable for summer.

Also, going out is often avoided as the company has asked to work from home. Due to the high impact of summer heat, companies may order their employees to work from home as provided during the Corona period. Through this, the public can be partially protected from the effects of summer” he said.

Tata for chicken Thanalakshmi and Prithi, who work in the Chennai Metropolitan Development Group, say, ‘We buy Padaneer and Nungu daily to escape the effects of the summer heat. Apart from this we often drink lemon juice at home. Also, since chicken is hot at home, chicken is called tata in summer.

Likewise, the drinking water kept in the refrigerator is not used cleanly. We only use warm drinking water. We are able to escape from the effects of summer by bringing the necessary drinking water from home without eating outside. Enough is enough before leaving home and returning home again. If you go outside in the afternoon, it is hot enough to bathe in sweat.’

Fruits and vegetables Dr. Vendhamarai Selvi, Siddharth Medical Officer of Nitakarai Arignar Anna Government Hospital (Indian Medicine) says, ‘Due to the heat of the summer sun, if people who work on computers have eye irritation, applying Ponnankanni Balm and taking a bath will cool the eyes. Similarly, taking a bath with ghee twice a week will relieve the heat.

In terms of diet, soak fenugreek overnight and grind it in a mixer, mix it with milk and drink it to reduce body heat. Grapes, cranberry, watermelon fruits and greens, gourd, bitter gourd, white pumpkin, yellow pumpkin should be used more. Also, saute small onions (Sambar onions) in ghee, mustard and gram flour and pour ghee on the rice to reduce the heat.

People who feel that they have a lot of eye irritation can reduce eye irritation by applying butter on the soles of their feet at night. As far as clothes are concerned, only cotton clothes should be used. It is better to avoid jeans etc. As health is very important for those who go in the sun, drink plenty of water, umbrellas and hats to keep on your head.

Bathe with nalungu flour mixed in the bath water to get rid of the bad smell of sweat. Vetiver can be mixed with drinking water at night and taken in the morning in case of urinary retention. Likewise, nannari sorbet with lemon juice can be drunk frequently. It is said in Siddha medicine that if you avoid coffee and drink cardamom in tea, you can reduce the heat and avoid any health problems in summer.

Hot water business Tenkasi Selva, who deals in nungu-padaneer in Egmore, says, ‘Nungu and padaneer business is good as the summer heat is a little higher than usual. The required Nungu is brought from Tenkasi and Padaneer from Melamaruvathur and sold. This business is likely to last till next July. People buy Nungu and Padaneer to escape from the effects of summer heat,’ he said.

Additional drinking water Balakrishnan-Latha, a businessman from Manthiveli, says, ‘Doctors say not to go out unnecessarily during the day because of the high summer heat. But being a businessman, I cannot stay away from home. But health is also important. So I drink extra water daily. Apart from this, if we come out, we buy nungu, padaneer, fruit juice, water milk etc.

from the roadside vendors to protect ourselves from the summer heat. However, the effect of heat is high. Thus we bathe daily both in the morning and in the evening. We are waiting for the day when the summer heat subsides. He did not show his head outside Virugampakkam Sorna Lakshmi says, ‘Summer means holiday celebrations on one side, but on the other side, the impact of summer heat is threatening the public.

And the impact of heat is increasing day by day. Due to this, we are also changing our eating habits. We have been eating a lot of water. Do not go out of the house unnecessarily as per doctors. Fruits and vegetables are also consumed in large quantities and are not affected by the summer heat to a large extent. Today and in a month or two we will follow the same diet. We stay at home to escape the heat. He said that he could not show his head outside because of this.

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