1. Eating ginger juice mixed with milk cures stomach ailments. Relaxes the body.

2. Constipation, tiredness and chest pain will be relieved if ginger is washed and eaten as a tart.

3. Burning ginger and eating it on the body cures pitta and kapha diseases.

4. Mix ginger juice with jaggery to get rid of rheumatism and get stronger.

5. Mix ginger with mint and wash it to remove bile, indigestion and bad breath. There will be convulsions.

6. Eating ginger after washing it will relieve stomach rumbling.

7. Drink ginger juice mixed with salt in the morning for three days to relieve dizziness and constipation. The body will be rejuvenated.

8. Grind ten grams of ginger and garlic and mix it in a cup of hot water and eat it in the morning and evening for two days to get rid of chest pain.

9. Heat it with ginger juice and honey and eat a spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach and drink hot water to dissolve it.

10. Mixing ginger juice with lemon juice will give you a good appetite.

11. Grinding ginger and pepper will cause indigestion.

12. Saute ginger, stir in honey, add water, boil water and drink it in the morning and evening to cure diarrhea.

13. After grinding ginger and mixing it with water, take the water and add Tulsi leaf juice and eat one spoon for a week to get rid of flatulence.

14. Eating a spoonful of ginger juice mixed with honey daily in the morning will increase the ability to prevent disease. There will be excitement. Youth grows.

15. Mix ginger juice and onion juice and drink one spoon in the morning for a week to reduce diabetes.

16. Ginger juice, lemon juice and onion juice mixed together and eaten maybe half an ounce will cure early stage asthma, indigestion and cough.

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