* Pistachios contain nutrients like vitamin A and E which protect the blood vessels. * Increases hemoglobin in the blood and provides oxygen to the cells. * […]
Pneumonia is a type of infection that can affect the lungs. Pneumonia can spread for many reasons. Pneumonia can be caused by bacterial infection, viral infection, TB, or […]
Agni Nakshatra has been burning hot since its inception. In many districts including Chennai, the sun is beating every day. A hot wind blows. Some people […]
Urinary Tract Infection is commonly thought of as a disease affecting the elderly. But a recent study found no age difference in this disease. Children under 5 years […]
We have often talked about watery eyes in this series. If the symptoms of watery eyes are accompanied by excessive redness in the eyes, itchy eyes when […]
Cancer virus affects women more than men. Especially in western countries it affects young children and in our country the middle-aged and elderly. Dr. Anita Ramesh, an oncologist […]
Rosacea is a skin disease that occurs in people with sensitive and easily irritated skin. A recent study estimated that 5% of adults worldwide are affected by […]
Some other questions may also arise…’Our grandfather lived to the age of 90. His eyes were clear until the end. Why didn’t you do the operation?’ ‘My husband is […]