Rosacea is a skin disease that occurs in people with sensitive and easily irritated skin. A recent study estimated that 5% of adults worldwide are affected by this disease. The disease manifests itself with reddening of the skin, as well as pimple-like bumps or rashes on the skin. This disease, which usually appears on the face, can affect any part of the body. 

The disease is severe and sometimes leads to eye problems. There is no cure for this disease. Most people can get it under control with long-term treatment. Sometimes the disease manifests itself in combination with other conditions such as allergies or acne. But, there are many types of it. It can be a bit difficult to get it right. A sufferer may exhibit just one type or any of the four types, says dermatologist Susan Bard. Experts do not fully understand what causes rosacea. 

But the disease is known to run in some families. Treatment for this focuses on avoiding triggers. So it is important to know the factors that trigger this disease that appears red on the skin and aggravates the skin. That way let us know the following factors that can increase the symptoms of the disease and how to avoid them. But the disease is known to run in some families. 

Treatment for this focuses on avoiding triggers. So it is important to know the factors that trigger this disease that appears red on the skin and aggravates the skin. That way let us know the following factors that can increase the symptoms of the disease and how to avoid them. But the disease is known to run in some families. Treatment for this focuses on avoiding triggers. So it is important to know the factors that trigger this disease which can make the skin look red and aggravate the skin. That way let us know the following factors that can increase the symptoms of the disease and how to avoid them.

People with sun exposure rosacea have red skin with visible blood vessels underneath. Exposure to UV rays can also be a reason for this. Its heat may aggravate the disease. Therefore, those who go out in the sun should wear protective clothing, hats and take UV protection measures. Sun protection products should be used continuously for at least 30 days. I recommend avoiding chemical sunscreens in these patients because they can irritate their skin and use natural mineral products, says Susan.

 DietA long list of foods that can aggravate rosacea symptoms include spicy foods, hot drinks, and alcohol. Coffee is one of the hot drinks you drink in the morning. A 2018 study found that coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from this disease. It is said to reduce blood vessel dilation and have anti-inflammatory effects. Researchers say this could help reduce the risk of the disease. But heat from coffee can trigger symptoms. So you need to know and avoid foods that trigger symptoms like these, says Susan. 

mental stressAccording to the National Rosacea Society (NRS), emotional stress is an important factor in triggering a flare-up of rosacea. Although it is impossible to completely eliminate stress, we do not have to live with it. Practicing meditation, yoga and other calming activities can help keep our stress levels under control. Getting enough sleep and having strong support from friends and family can help us feel less stressed. 

ExerciseOf course exercise is one factor that makes us healthy. But exercise is one factor that can make rosacea worse in people with it. Avoid high-impact exercises such as slow jogging and fast running exercises. People with this disease can avoid overheating by exercising in a cool room. Also carry a cold water spray bottle. 

Skin and hair care productsSome chemicals in skin and hair products can cause severe effects on the skin of highly sensitive individuals. They tend to worsen the symptoms of rosacea. Therefore, avoid alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, menthol, lactic acid, and similar products with fragrances, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Ingredients like witch hazel, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil may trigger rosacea symptoms, according to the NRS. Since the skin affected by this disease is very sensitive, gentle skin products should be used. Add fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products to your favorite new skin and hair products, says Susan. 

Some medicinesVasodilator drugs used to treat high blood pressure and other conditions open blood vessels. It can trigger and aggravate rosacea. Check with your dermatologist to find out if the medications you are taking can aggravate the condition and if there are suitable alternatives. 

Stimulants applied topically to the skin may exacerbate symptoms, the NRS says. In most cases the symptoms of this disease may be mild. Still, talking to your doctor about your symptoms and triggers can help manage rosacea, says Dr. Susan.

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